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Drake, LindaChief Deputy RecorderClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7064
Macias, CassieRecordation TechnicianClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7066
Biggin, KaeliDeputy ClerkClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7067
Warren, TamarSenior Public Meetings ClerkClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7112
Cerniglia, PattyDeputy Clerk Clerk-Recorder(775) 283-7330
Toups, EmilyDeputy Clerk of ElectionsClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7332
Hoen, ScottClerk-Recorder/Public AdministratorClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7333
Yasumoto, SylviaDeputy Clerk of Marriages Clerk-Recorder(775) 283-7334
Phay, NicoleDeputy Clerk of Elections Clerk-Recorder(775) 283-7336
Munoz, BrianaPublic Meetings ClerkClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7412
Pedersen, Michelle Marriage Clerk Clerk-Recorder(775) 283-7414
Bakkedahl, ShuanaChief Deputy Clerk of Elections & MarriageClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7517
Reed, MadisonRecording TechnincianClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7725
Mills, HopeChief Deputy ClerkClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7859
Garcia, MickeyClerk Recorder, Elections & Public Administrator SpecialistClerk-Recorder(775) 283-7988
Leonard-Ray, PamDeputy Clerk Clerk-Recorder(775) 283-7989
Marriage Office Clerk-Recorder(775) 887-2084
Elections DepartmentClerk-Recorder(775) 887-2087
Clerk's OfficeClerk-Recorder(775) 887-2087
Public Meetings & RecordsClerk-Recorder(775) 887-2217